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I have a pair of small hands - a small class lesson story


Hands are the most commonly used and familiar body parts of children, and children are using their small hands to do a variety of things every day, and they have a strong interest in their small hands。The story of this course guides children to have a preliminary cognition of small hands, understand the role of small hands, and let small hands play their due role through a variety of ways。Thus, a journey of inquiry related to small hands began!

Course origin


Zhou Zhou teacher is giving the children puzzles: "Ten good friends, you have me also have, one on the left, one on the right, can only work, will not speak.。Guess what they are?The children tilted their small heads to think seriously, the original answer is our small hands!


"What are the hands like?Each has how many hands?Each hand has a few fingers?”

Hao Hao said: "We have tattoos on our small hands。”

"We have nails on our little hands。”

Zhengcheng said, "Fingers are not the same length。”


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"Of the five fingers, the thickest and shortest is called the thumb, the index finger lives next to the thumb, the tallest is called the middle finger, the middle finger is next to the ring finger, the thinnest and shortest is called the little finger, can you find it??”

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The children held out their little hands and proudly shared their finger secrets with their teachers and peers。Through talking with the children, it was found that they did not understand the composition of small hands, so the teacher in the activity, let the children by observing the structure of the small hands, initially know their small hands are composed of big palms and fingers of different lengths, and know the name of each finger。

Little hands know how much

My small partner's hands: our hands are different in size and length, some hands are fat, some hands are thin, and our hands are different in color。

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My teacher's hand:

Niu Niu said, "The teacher's hands are so big! My hands are small!"

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Small hands can talk

In the process of exploring the role of small hands, children found that small hands can not only play games, but also use their hands to represent some language, helping us to convey more information。


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Small hands can also help us do a lot of things

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I'll wear shoes and socks

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I can do crafts.

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I can wash towels.

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I'll water the flower

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Protect small handsI know

Children do many things with their little hands every day, but do not know how to protect them?They will also suck their fingers, chew their fingernails and other bad habits, which are not only unsanitary, but also very dangerous。The children also used their brains to come up with a lot of good ways to protect small hands, let's go and have a look!

Do not touch the blade and other dangerous items, easy to hurt yourself。

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Don't bite your fingers, protect your soft nail。

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Oiling our little hands also protects our little hands

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Cut your nails frequently to maintain personal hygiene

Hands dirty, there are a lot of bacteria, this time if you take something to eat, bacteria will follow into our body, so we must wash our hands frequently to prevent bacteria from entering our body。

Do you know how to wash your hands properly?Let's follow the children Cheng Cheng to learn the seven-step washing technique!

Teacher Only Li said

After the end of this activity, the children have a great change, from the beginning of the ignorant understanding of small hands, to the current in-depth understanding, they learned how to protect their small hands, use the right way to wash hands, and use small hands to do more things。The journey of discovering small hands continues, and as children grow older, they will find that their small hands will become more and more capable, and they will find that their hands can create a happier and better future!
